Lifestyles by:
Divine Design
An online community of lifestyle builders
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Salt Formations in the rippling waters of the Dead Sea


Hey! Thanks for coming, I'm really glad you are visiting. I hope that you will grow some roots here and want to draw on the nourishing sap of friendships that will help you to be the best you that you can be. The journey to finding that unique Divine Design that is yours alone is what we are sharing and your contributions are indispensable to mine.
So What is a Lifestyle Anyway?

A lifestyle is of course, THE WAY YOU LIVE! That includes material surroundings, attitudes, behaviors, or whatever might characterize an individual or group by their given way of life. It’s as simple as that. The question is whether the lifestyle you find yourself in is satisfying to you or not. Many of us would like to see significant changes in this area and don’t have a clue how to make that happen. Healthy lifestyles don't happen by chance, they have to be built with thoughtful planning and intention. No matter where you are at in your journey, today is a great day to begin.
That is the reason this lifestyle community is built, so that we can encourage one another in effecting the kinds of changes we need to create the lifestyle that enables us to be our happiest best. Since we are all unique and each circumstance is also unique, that means something different for everyone. So I will be writing in upcoming blogs about tips and tricks that have been empowering for me and also soliciting ideas from readers and those who join the community.
I am a follower of Jesus and I like to call Him Yeshua because He is Jewish and that is the name He used when He was here in person on Earth. You don’t have to be one of His followers to enjoy the site or any of the tips and tricks, but you will find me using lots of Bible quotes and examples from my journey with Him which began in 1978. At that time, I was definitely not content with my own lifestyle and I know that without the connection with Him, I would not be who I am today.
We often hear that wholeness is a mind, body and spirit affair, and I will be quick to acknowledge the truth in that perspective. Unless every part is well connected and in touch with the other, things just aren’t going to work properly. For example, I met a woman who was completely severed in her mind and body from her emotions. On the outside, she seemed happy go lucky and loads of fun to be around but the inside was a different story. She revealed to me one day that in her youth, no one in their home could be caught at the dinner table without a smile. Noisemakers were kept beside each plate. If anyone caught someone not smiling, the noisemakers would be put into action.
I do believe that smiles are important and that they spread joy, but when the outside is disconnected from what is going on inside, there is bound to be trouble and it did indeed find her. At one point she confessed family problems showing up and it didn’t stop there. She developed breast cancer. Although proper medical care should never be neglected, I am aware of many people who have been healed from terrible diseases like that simply by getting to the root of the emotional issues that were buried in forgotten times.
My walk with Yeshua is about dealing with those kinds of issues and more. It's about getting in touch with the truth.
John 4:24 – God is Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship in spirit and in truth.
John 16:13 – When the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth: for He will not speak of Himself, but whatever he hears, that He will speak: and He will show you things to come.
Those two Scriptures say so much to me, that God is the Spirit of truth and that I need to be in connection with Him to know the truth.
The idea of connecting with God can be scary for a lot of people, so I want you to know that there are many wonderful things that can help with the journey toward wholeness in mind, body and spirit. One of my favorites and something you will find me writing about a great deal is essential oil. That incredible fragrance that fills the air when you walk past those amazing spring blossoms is the essential oil of that particular plant. The reason that essential oil can be a big help in getting in touch with your inner you is that the sense of smell actually has a rather direct connection to those parts of the brain that have to do with memory and emotion. Just like the smell of baking bread, cookies, or maybe pizza, can trigger a smile or perhaps a fresh out of the oven loaf can take you back to a blissful childhood moment, the essential oils of many plants can help tap into those tucked away things that may have been keeping you from being your best you. They are great friends too in many other health and healing efforts.
I tagged up with doTERRA because I love the essential oils and I was so impressed with their business model. I wanted to build my lifestyle on a strong ethical foundation that wasn't just all about me, but allowed me to act as a good global citizen and be as healthy as possible at the same time. They don't stop with the essential oils but go so much further to empower everyone to build a healthy, natural and sustainable way of living.
I wasn’t aware of the frequent mentions of essential oils in the Scriptures until over 30 years after the experience that led into my relationship with Yeshua. Then a wonderful Chinese friend brought it to my attention. Funny how we can miss so much! Kings from the Orient brought Yeshua gold, frankincense and myrrh. Solomon also had lots to say about them.
I Kings 4:33 – He spoke about plant life, from the cedar of Lebanon
to the hyssop that grows out of walls. . .
From then on, essential oils have played an important role in building significant parts of the lifestyle that is so important to me. There was a big learning curve that started before that time though, it wasn't just a little step between then and now, it was many many small ones that I will discuss in the blogs. I hope you will check them out and join us in the effort.
I look forward to sharing this journey with you in the blogs and hope that you will join me in search of your own uniquely Divine Design.
Customized Journaling Stationery
If customized stationery for your journaling preferences is something you might want to explore as an aid in your own lifestyle building journey, let me know. Contact me at: byDivineDesign.ca